Fertility Diagnosis is the cornerstone of our Fertility Clinic: if an accurate diagnosis has not been established, then proper care cannot be possible. Advanced ultrasound techniques allow us to provide an estimation of the ovaries and uterus’ function. To complete our assessment, evaluation of tubal patency is essential. At our clinic we have implemented innovative radiation-free techniques, so that we can achieve an accurate, in-depth, hassle-free fertility estimation. Read below to learn more:
- Advanced Ultrasound is one of the most important tools in our armamentarium of diagnostic tests; it entails a thorough scanning that allow us to evaluate the reproductive system with maximum detail.
- The scan starts by assessing the uterus, to rule out any abnormality that might affect implantation (fibroids, polyps, etc); it also evaluates the morphology and blood flow (Doppler scanning) of the endometrial lining. A four-dimensional (4D) scanning will complete the evaluation.
- Subsequently, a thorough evaluation of the ovaries is carried out, including their volume and morphology, their blood flow with Doppler scanning and the Antral Follicle Count in order to assess your ovarian reserve.
- Fertility assessment is not complete without evaluating the Fallopian tubes. In order to achieve natural pregnancy, the tubes must be patent (or at least one of them), as the egg and the sperm meet each other inside the tube. In general, normal Fallopian tubes are not visualized with conventional ultrasonography; only abnormal tubes containing fluid (hydrosalpinx) may be occasionally viewed.
- Traditionally, the only methods to assess the tubes have been Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and Laparoscopy. These methods though, have many disadvantages: HSG is usually painful and utilizes radiation (X-rays); laparoscopy is a surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia, increasing the chances of complications.
- The latest years a valuable exam to assess tubal patency has been developed, quickly becoming standard of care, and in many cases replacing HSG: Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (usually shortened to HyCoSy). This is a simple, well-tolerated outpatient ultrasound procedure which assesses the patency of the fallopian tubes, and may detect abnormalities of the uterus and endometrium. However, since HyCoSy utilizes just a simple saline solution, many times the visualization of the tubes is not optimal.
- To overcome this limitation, a new contrast agent in the form of a foam has been developed, which has greatly improved the quality of the exam: this test is called Hysterosalpingo-foam-sonography (HyFoSy). The HyFoSy procedure is a safe and reliable alternative to the conventional hysterosalpingogram which uses X-rays. No radiation or iodinated contrast material is used for a HyFoSy test. And to further improve its reliability, we combine this innovative technique with four-dimensional (4D) scanning: 4D HyFoSy.